Welcome to my blog, Let’s talk about it!. I thought it would be appropriate to explain what I’m trying to accomplish and the inspiration behind this project before publishing content on a regular basis….

This blog is inspired by conversations I had with a new amazing friend, Natalie Douglass, at Kendall Betts Horn Camp in Lyman, New Hampshire this past summer. First, you should know that Natalie is a HOOT! Second, she is amazing teacher and a very insightful person. We had many conversations that quickly shifted to discussing the crazy journey students go on to become a professional classical musician and teacher. Things like fear, failure, balance in life, and the process of bettering yourself do not typically come up in conversation and are often avoided as if it’s a waste of time to discuss those things in an educational setting. After talking about the taboo surrounding those topics, Natalie and I started shouting “Let’s talk about it!” anytime we knew we were about open up that can of worms. The phrase stuck with me and became my inspiration for starting this blog.


Let’s talk about vulnerability and shame. Let’s talk about fear and failure. Let’s talk about work ethic and grit. Let’s talk about fulfillment and passion.

 My mission is to inspire and educate by sharing personal stories and insights into the process of becoming a better musician and person.

I am sharing my thoughts not from a place of wisdom, but from a place of empathy. I’m on the the same journey as everyone else. I want to do my part to help motivate and inspire everyone around me as I try to surround myself with people who will do the same for me.

Always feel free to leave feedback, start a discussion, or just send support!

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