Start Your New Year with a New Mantra!


I love taking a mantra into the new year with me. Instead of new goals or resolutions, I like the idea of applying new strategies or concepts to help achieve the goals I already have set for myself.

Since writing in a journal has been a long-standing habit for me I am typically really great about writing my goals often and planning, in detail, all the steps I need to take to bring me closer to said goals. So great, in fact, that often I will spend longer planning and getting motivated to accomplish my goals than actually taking action on the steps I’ve laid out for myself.

So the mantra I’d like to take with me into the New Year is:

You’re more likely to act yourself into feeling than feel yourself into action.
— Dr. Jerome Bruner, Harvard Psychologist

Act yourself into feeling rather than feel your way into action.

Meaning: Just do it already!

You will likely get the motivation you need to work towards your goals just by starting on the tasks you’ve resolved to do. Put even simpler, do the thing and you will start to feel like doing the thing.

This is a concept that definitely helps when it comes to achieving goals. It’s a great idea to implement, but let’s zoom in on the fine print.

Here are three obstacles that you’ll need to navigate in the pursuit of your New Year Resolutions:

Photo by Ricardo Viana on Unsplash

It may be sloppy.


Sometimes the job is really messy. When you’re trying to achieve new goals outside of your comfort zone, the end result is far less than perfect. Don’t let being unable to do something well keep you from doing it at all.

Do not wait for the perfect circumstances to present themselves for you to take action on your goals. No matter how sloppy it is, get the job done!


It may be inconvenient.


Why we don’t have an extra day off in the middle of the week beats me, but we simply don’t have enough time to accomplish everything we set out to.

Prepare for the inconvenience of being a high achieving person.

Embrace the time crunch that comes along with striving towards your goals.


You will be tired.


Sleep is highly romanticized. Yes, it is very important to get adequate sleep. You absolutely cannot live your life to its fullest if you are always sleep deprived. Plan for enough sleep, but whether you actually get enough sleep or not, respect your body’s ability to be a badass with or without a good night’s rest.

Don’t let being tired be your excuse for not being awesome all the time.

Drink some coffee, and get it done!


My goals going into 2019…

Just for fun, I thought I would share some of the goals I’ve been working on and plan to take into the new year with me. No matter how sloppy of a job I do, no matter how inconvenient it feels, and no matter how tired I am, these are the things I’d like to accomplish.

Meditate every morning.

Practice Spanish in a social setting every weekend.

Lift at the gym consistently.

Practice note starts and consistency of sound in my fundamentals routine on horn.

Sing through what I am practicing.

Write a new blog every month.

Comment with a mantra that resonates with you! What do you resolve to do in the new year?

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